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DMV Drivers License

When it comes to disabled people who drive, there is an option between disabled license plates or a placard, two different things which both allow one to park in a handicap marked spot. Handicap license plates are given to an eligible person by the DMV and are for personal use by that person, and only in the car the plates are registered to. However, a Handicap Placard, also given by the DMV to eligible persons, can be moved from one vehicle to another. Usually people prefer a placard for people who transport the disabled person

Vehicle Registration

The car registration process for disabled plates or a placard is simple and only need a few items. You will want to look for an application for either the plate or placard either online or at your nearest DMV. You need your doctor to sign the paper and write down your illness or disablity that makes you eligible for the special parking. Then your state agency handles the car registration, which sometimes might require you too mail or drop off the application. Also be prepared to pay a small fee depending on where you live for the delivery of the plates or placard. If your application is approved, then in a few weeks your placard or plates will arrive.

Public Transportation

In many train stations there are initiatives for new elevators being put in place and practiced. Also, there is now free travel instruction in some places. In addition, there are now buses that can be lowered for elderly who have trouble and can not make the high step, as well as ramps for people with wheel chairs aboard the bus.The drivers of these buses are well trained to help people who have disabilites. In train stations most subways have loud speakers in order for everyone to hear when, where, and which train is coming. They are also ramps and wider fare gates.